Shipment Status Update 发货通告 Nov 18, 21 ALYN TEAM Hello sweeties, Due to the landslide occurred near the custom, our stock was stuck and it will takes longer time than the ETA dates to reach us. Huge apologies for...
CNY2020【解锁最美 · 新年讨喜穿搭】 Aug 27, 20 ALYN OFFICIAL 嗨~ 小姐妹们必备开运红 🧨 过年战袍快来Pick一下平价界的黄金矿工温馨来分享新年穿搭灵感啦这一期给大家带来红红火火的新年开运穿搭既气质又凸显个人魅力的新年穿搭希望能给大家带来一些灵感穿上会一不小心收获一整年的好运气!
CHRISTMAS GIFT AWAY! Dec 03, 19 Here we go again. It’s gotten us in the spirit of Christmas and we're in a giving mood. Specially for our customers, those who have place their order through our...